5 Random Quotes

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Zombie Diet Plan: A zombie started a diet. He's now on a strict no-brainer diet.

#dark edgy jokes

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Haunted House Real Estate Agent: Why did the ghost become a real estate agent? He had a talent for finding the most 'spirited' properties.

#dark edgy jokes

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The Time Traveler's Confession: I have a time traveler joke, but you guys didn't like it last time.

#dark edgy jokes

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Astronaut's Secret: What's an astronaut's favorite part about a computer? The space bar, of course.

#dark edgy jokes

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The Optimistic Vampire: Why was the vampire always optimistic? Because things could only get 'biter'.

#dark edgy jokes

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I have a joke about time travel, but you guys didn't like it.

#dark edgy jokes

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